Art, Kunst, Namibian, namibische, fantasy, Phantasie, Silk Paintings, Water Color Paintings, Behind Glass paintings
Namibian Fantasy Art, namibian art

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Paintings behind Glass

Paintings behind Glass

Accompanying the creation of one of Isabel's paintings behind glass is a fascinating experience! She draws the outline of the painting-to-be on paper and tapes it onto a glass pane. The successive layers of paint are then applied to the other, the back side of the glass in reverse order, first the signature  in mirror image. The background is painted last. Once a layer is painted over, alterations or additions are impossible. As she applies more and more layers during successive days, the image on the glass pane becomes increasingly blurred, and the spectator more anxious whether this blotchy "mess" will ever resemble any of her other paintings. It must take an incredible memory to remember the countless details of the many layers. Only towards the very end can the pane be turned over, the original paper drawing is removed - and another beautiful painting behind glass is revealed! This is the medium where Isabel excels in her meticulous attention to detail and colour.





Art, Kunst, Namibian, namibische, fantasy, Phantasie, Silk Paintings, Water Color Paintings, Behind Glass paintings